Why have CFI Chapters?
- Chapters are and always have been the backbone of CFI.
- Promote CFI to the local installers.
- Provide opportunities to local dealers.
- Build relationships with local distributors.
- Educate consumers on proper installation standards.
How to start a Chapter.
- Contact the CFI office and chapter chairperson on starting a local chapter.
- Set up officers, president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
- Choose a chapter name, example CFI Delmarva Chapter.
- Determine the main location for the chapter.
- Set up a meeting with the CFI office, chapter chairperson and the local chapter board.
- Schedule one training or educational event every quarter.
- Advocate chapter membership to local installers.
- Promote CFI programs.
- Promote CFI annual convention.
What makes a strong Chapter?
- Select dedicated individuals as officers for the chapter board. The board should be comprised of individuals that work well together and are supportive. One person cannot manage a chapter alone.
- Invite at least one local dealer and one local distributor to be on the chapter board. This will help build support and strengthen local industry relationships.
- Share CFI’s mission to educate and elevate installation standards with dealers and distributors. Join the local floor covering association if available.
- Join the builder's association, inform members of the benefits of utilizing CFI installers.
- Include chapter members in determining meeting activities that are of interest.
- Hold fun events, examples grill out or manufacturer tours.
- Establish chapter as the leading local resource for installers and dealers.
- CFI is always looking for local and nationwide instructors. Getting involved with the local chapter can provide many opportunities for the future.
Together We Are CFI Strong!
Thank You Roland Thompson, CFI Chapter Chairman